In 2002, I had left hip arthroscopy by Dr. François Antounian at CPMC, S.F. The torn cartilage was removed and the femur was shaved a bit to attempt a better fit. It lasted for about 5 years, but after the cartilage was removed, then basically you are left with bone-on-bone, which advances the OA & the gait compensation patterns and the pain.
I had that same left hip resurfaced by Dr. Thomas Vail who had just joined UCSF to chair the orthopedic department in 2007. He had tremendous experience with hip resurfacings (one of the few docs in the US at the time) and had even developed a couple of the latest FDA approved devices. I did 5 years of research prior to having my 1st hip resurfaced. I interviewed 4 surgeons prior to selecting the resurfacing surgery and the surgeon. I wanted a surgeon who had done MANY procedures and was well respected in the field…and of course was in my insurance group. I was lucky that Dr Vail came to San Francisco!
The left hip surgery was great. Recovery was easy but focused and I was diligent on my PT and Pilates strengthening regime. I regained full range of motion, strength, functionality, etc. From the beginning, this hip was worse, but in x-rays you could see a little bit of joint space narrowing starting on the right side. But by comparison to the left, it was fine. I continue to do private Pilates, hike, swim, ride horses, bike, walk, stretch, myofacial release work, take occasional yoga and gyrokensis classes…all great, prescribed non-surgical treatments.